Flower Curtain Holder by Leila Bidler |
For this project you will need:
Makin's Clay® Green, Red, Yellow, Black
(I highly suggest the "Vineyard Tones" and the "Multi Color" 4.2 oz packs!)
Makin's® Clay Roller
Makin's Professional® Cutting Mat
Makin's® Basic Tool Set
Makin's® Push Mold "Floral"
Makin's® Push Mold "Leaves"
2 small round magnets
Acrylic Paint white and gold
Soft paintbrush
Hard bristles brush
Fabric ribbon (approx. 10 inch)
In this tutorial we will use two awesome Makin's® Push Molds: "Floral" and "Leaves".
I choose the flower in the top right corner and start by taking a small amount of yellow Makin's Clay® and pushing it right into the center. The best way to use different colors with these molds is to look at them from the front while you push the clay in from behind, this way you can see if you have enough, need more or if you need to take off some.
Now take one or more colors of your choice (I am using the Makin's Clay® "Vineyard Tones" and "Multi Color" purple and red here) and fill in the petals of your flower.
To make an interesting leaf or two mix two different greens from the sets mentioned above to create a variegated color blend
Proceed using the "Leaves" Push Mold as you did with the flower.
With these push molds you do not really need any release agent, if the clay is too soft just let it sit for a couple of minutes and it will come out nice and clean.
Now we need a base to put our flower and leaves on, so using your clay roller
flatten a ball of green clay big enough to hold the flower and part of the leaves and push one of your round flat magnets into it. This will be the backside where we will glue the ribbon on.
To fit the leaves and the flower nicely together put the flower on top of the biggest leaf and using your tool mark the leaf around the outline of the flower petals. Cut then off the part
that is under the flower.
Use some water to wet the base and put the leaves on, push the edges down and put the flower right on top in the center of the base.

Let everything dry for 24 hours.
When everything is dry use some acrylic paint to highlight the texture on the flower and the leaves:
Check if the magnets are loose (they should not be, but make sure and if they are use some
superglue to glue them in. Now you also need the ribbon to connect the two parts of our curtain holder. Spread a few drops of superglue on the surface of the two parts and attach the ribbon.
All done and ready to use!
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